Acupuncture News and Research

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What happens during a massage treatment?

A massage treatment is more than just lying on a table and getting rubbed down. From the moment you walk into the facility, your experience is tailored to your individual needs. Initially, you'll likely fill out some paperwork and discuss your medical history, pain points, and desired outcomes with your Read more ...

By |October 19, 2023|Categories: |Comments Off on What happens during a massage treatment?

Are you supposed to tip a massage therapist?

Tipping culture can vary by location and establishment, but in many places, it is customary to tip a massage therapist. Generally, the standard tip is between 15% to 20% of the total service cost. However, tipping is usually at your discretion and should reflect your level of satisfaction with the Read more ...

By |October 19, 2023|Categories: |Comments Off on Are you supposed to tip a massage therapist?

Can Hypnotic Susceptibility Levels Improve Over Time?

The short answer is yes, hypnotic susceptibility—the ability to respond to hypnosis—can get better with the right steps and ongoing practice. Let's dig deeper into this. How to Enhance Hypnotic Responsiveness 1. Master Relaxation and Visualization Techniques: Firstly, learning specific relaxation methods and visual exercises can boost your ability to Read more ...

By |October 17, 2023|Categories: |Comments Off on Can Hypnotic Susceptibility Levels Improve Over Time?

Is Hypnotic Trance a State of Sleep?

Hypnosis is not the same as sleep. Each has unique features and effects on brain activity. Consciousness: Hypnosis vs Sleep Firstly, let's talk about awareness. Hypnotic Trance: In hypnosis, you stay focused and open to suggestions. You look relaxed but are fully aware. Sleep: On the other hand, when you're Read more ...

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Is Stage Hypnosis Different from Clinical Hypnotherapy?

Stage hypnosis and clinical hypnotherapy are vastly different in terms of their goals, methods, and ethics! The Purpose: Entertainment vs Therapy Firstly, it's vital to understand the end goals. Stage Hypnosis: Simply put, this is all about fun. The hypnotist aims to entertain an audience, often using volunteers to perform Read more ...

By |October 17, 2023|Categories: |Comments Off on Is Stage Hypnosis Different from Clinical Hypnotherapy?

Is Edmonton Hypnotherapy Medically Recognized?

Edmonton hypnotherapy is not just a trend; it's a recognized form of complementary and integrative therapy. Over time, more and more medical organizations are acknowledging its value. Recognition by Major Medical Organizations Firstly, it's worth noting that the American Medical Association (AMA) officially recognized hypnosis as a viable treatment in Read more ...

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Is Clinical Hypnotherapy Evidence-Based?

Clinical hypnotherapy is indeed grounded in a growing body of evidence, making it a legitimate and evidence-based therapeutic modality. Numerous scientific studies and research trials have delved into the efficacy and mechanisms underlying clinical hypnotherapy. Research consistently supports its effectiveness in addressing a wide array of issues, from managing chronic Read more ...

By |October 17, 2023|Categories: |Comments Off on Is Clinical Hypnotherapy Evidence-Based?

Does PTSD qualify for disability in Canada?

Yes, in Canada, PTSD can be seen as a disability. The Canadian Mental Health Association has info on this. If you have PTSD, you might get money help from the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) or private plans. But, rules can change, so it's good to talk to experts. Our Functional Read more ...

By |October 14, 2023|Categories: |Comments Off on Does PTSD qualify for disability in Canada?

What is currently the most effective treatment for PTSD?

The best way to treat PTSD often includes talk therapy and medicine. One good type of talk therapy is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). According to the American Psychological Association, CBT is very helpful for PTSD. Some people also take medicines like SSRIs. But, other options like acupuncture and naturopathy are Read more ...

By |October 14, 2023|Categories: |Comments Off on What is currently the most effective treatment for PTSD?

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