Acupuncture News and Research
Curious to know the latest oriental medicine trends and findings? Keep up to date with my blog postings focused on relevant acupuncture news and research.
Deep Tissue Massage vs Cupping for Pain in Edmonton
Both deep tissue massage and cupping are effective therapies for healing the body and alleviating pain. They can either be utilized separately on their own or be combined together to achieve the desired results. Deep Tissue Massage For Pain Deep tissue massage involves using slow, deep Read more ...
Visceral Massage
What is a Visceral Massage? “Viscera” refers to the organs in the body. A visceral massage, otherwise known as an organ massage, is a massage therapy technique that addresses the health of the organs in your body’s systems to create a sense of complete wellbeing. It encourages the normal Read more ...
Stress and Anxiety Management: How Acupuncture, Massage, Reiki and Osteopathy Can Help
At Red Leaf Wellness, we believe in taking a holistic approach to improving overall health and satisfaction in life. While medical treatments are available to deal with stress and anxiety, we focus on combining the best of ancient Eastern and modern Western medicine to help our patients overcome the symptoms Read more ...
Simple solutions for anxiety and insomnia. How wellness and Traditional Chinese medicine can help!
To say that this year has been an emotional roller coaster ride would be an understatement. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed nearly every aspect of the way we live our lives, and for many people this has led to an increase in stress-related ailments like anxiety and insomnia. The good Read more ...