Emotional Health Program2023-10-26T04:45:09+00:00

Emotional Health & Wellness

Wooden figure depicted as suffering stress captioned with Red Leaf Wellness For Emotional Wellness

Red Leaf Wellness offers a variety of acupuncture, massage, nutrition, and functional medicine services in Edmonton, Alberta to treat and improve emotional health and wellness. Our whole health, functional and alternative medicine strategies are blended with the best of ancient Eastern healing and modern Western medicine to address common concerns such as stress, fatigue, depression, anxiety, and more. 

Throughout history, acupuncture has been used to evaluate, diagnose, and effectively treat a wide variety of emotional health conditions such as chronic stress, anxiety, and depression.  In fact, due to their prevalence emotional and psychological symptoms are some of the most widely studied in relation to acupuncture. 

Commonly, emotional and psychological symptoms can be traced back to chemical or hormonal imbalances. By bringing down your stress threshold, you will have a better chance of alleviating symptoms of:

The Stress Response

Our stress response is a natural process that helps us cope with change and immediate threats. It is caused by a series of chemical reactions that are triggered by our autonomic nervous system (ANS) – also known as the “fight-or-flight” response.

Chronic stress develops when there is a constant increase in stress hormones that are generally sustained over a long period of time. The body learns to stay in a state of stress as a protective mechanism which manifests in anxiety, depression, and insomnia.

It has been shown that the stimulation of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland impacts numerous body systems to help relieve you of chronic stress. The change in the secretion of neurotransmitters and neuro-hormones is highly significant to positively influence your brain chemistry as well as your mental wellness!

Our Emotional Health & Wellness Treatments

Controlled studies suggest that acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine can offer healing modalities to help normalize stress hormone levels. They work by stimulating the conduction of electromagnetic signals connected to the chemicals that manage pain sensations.

In turn, acupuncture stimulates the body’s natural opioid system in order to reduce anxiety, promote a state of calmness, and even induce sleep.

Acupuncture for Emotional Health & Wellness

There are a large number of acupuncture points that can address symptoms of mental and emotional health concerns, including chronic stress. These vary based on the specificity of the condition.

In general, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a strong proponent of organ-emotion connections as the emotional and physical body are interconnected and strongly influence one another.

For example:

  • Anxiety is linked to the Spleen, Lungs, and the Heart in relation to the Kidney
  • The Spleen is related to obsessing and overthinking and is seen as the underlying cause of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • The Lungs are related to symptoms of grief, self-esteem issues, and the inability to let go
  • The Liver is related to anger, resentment, and frustration that leaves us feeling stuck

All of these imbalances can contribute to how the energy flows to the organ systems, depending on how the anxiety manifests in the body.

By looking at the emotions we feel, a direct connection to the functioning of our organs can be revealed.

Our acupuncturists at Red Leaf Wellness can determine the areas in the body that are deficient, stagnant, and in need of restoration. This will help you recognize how your emotional tendencies have manifested into your body so that you can cultivate a sense of control over your life again.

Massage Therapy for Emotional Health & Wellness

Massage therapy helps reduce some of the stress and tension that accumulates in our muscles during periods of high pressure or elevated anxiety. Besides making your body feel better, regular massage can also reduce cortisol levels, a hormone our bodies release when we feel stressed out or anxious.

Massage has also been linked with increased oxytocin levels. Oxytocin is sometimes known as the cuddle hormone because it’s commonly released when we experience human touch, usually from a loved one. However, research has shown that the human contact experienced during a massage has the same effect, helping to diminish feelings of loneliness and the sense of disconnection.

Nurture Your Emotional Wellbeing

Red Leaf Wellness is an integrative wellness clinic based in Edmonton, Alberta. We offer acupuncture and acupuncture-related services to provide highly specialized treatment for stress management, chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, and other conditions that can affect your mental and emotional health.

Our knowledgeable and friendly staff is dedicated to offering unique treatment plans that can make a lasting positive impact on your overall health.

If you’re ready to nurture your emotional wellbeing, book your appointment today!

Edmonton Emotional Health Specialists:

Bring balance into your life. Choose a healthier and happier lifestyle.

Schedule an appointment today and let Red Leaf Wellness partner with you on your wellness journey!

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