Acupuncture for Neurological Symptoms
Acupuncture for Neurological Symptoms
Do you suffer from recurring headaches, migraines, or severe vertigo? Neurological symptoms like these can be associated with muscle weakness, loss of sensation, difficulties reading and writing, unexplained pain and general malaise. Neurological issues can also cause far more pressing symptoms such as: seizures, decreased alertness, partial or complete paralysis, or they can simply affect your overall cognitive abilities.
These symptoms can be stemmed from a variety of sources from neuropathy to post-stroke residuals. No matter the case, the right treatment should be sought out to put your symptoms at ease.
Many neurologists and doctors who specialize in neurological symptoms refer their patients to acupuncturists for intervention for its calming and pain-reducing effects. Acupuncture can help to treat anything from headaches to more severe cases.
Acupuncture for the Treatment of Shingles
Shingles are caused by a virus that can remain dormant in nerve cells for many years after chicken pox. The tingling and unbearable pain is a result of bumps that turn into blisters which erupt on one side of the body.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, shingles are viewed as a wind-heat or a Fengcondition.
A wind-heat condition involves:
- Excess movement of the body
- Symptoms appearing in different parts of the body at different times
- Stagnation of the body from pain
- An acute condition that affects the surface of the body
There is a specific protocol for Shingles that has proven to be highly effective – clearing Blood Heat and Dampness from the Urinary Bladder meridian, Spleen meridian, Large Intestine meridian and the Triple Heater meridian. This can help reduce inflammation, pain, and restore blood flow.
There are also a group of 34 points near the spine called the Huatuojiaji points (along the cervical, thoracic or lumbar vertebrae) that can help to reduce pain for each nerve root that is affected by Shingles.
Acupuncture and Migraines
Both western medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine recognize two categories of headaches: primary and secondary. A primary headache is a clinical condition, not a symptom of another disorder. Primary headaches include tension headaches, migraines and cluster headaches. Secondary headaches are caused by other medical conditions such as sinus disease, allergies, dental disorders, head injury or brain tumours. Acupuncture is used to effectively treat primary headaches, namely tension and migraine, which are the most common.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has an effective, philosophically based framework for headache etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment. Specifically, acupuncture has been used to treat headaches for thousands of years. The greatest advantage of acupuncture over western medicine is that it does virtually no harm. Unlike synthetic drugs, acupuncture has virtually no side effects, and the procedures for treating headaches are much less invasive.
In addition to needling treatment lifestyle changes such as suggestions for specific breathing techniques, qi gong exercise, and changes to your diet may be recommended. There are also herbal remedies known to reduce migraine symptoms such as butterbur, feverfew, dong quai, ginger, and willow bark that could be beneficial alongside acupuncture treatment.
Associated Acupoints for all Neurological Symptoms
Generating a balanced flow of energy from the top of the head downwards into the body removes blockages that are causing any imbalance. Releasing strain from specific points in the regions of the forehead, temple, face, neck, and the foot can help cultivate the balance needed to heal deficiencies or remove any excess causing the imbalance in the first place.
Migraines and headaches are some of the most common neurological symptoms. Tension headaches, menstrual cycle-related headaches, sinus headaches, and stress headaches are examples of what acupuncture can help with.
Here are some of the points that can help with a host of neurological symptoms.
The Third Eye Point (Yintang) –Located between the two eyebrows where the bridge of the nose connects to the forehead.Applying pressure in this region improves concentration, relieves strain, releases your eyes, and helps with headaches.
Bright Light This point is located in the inner corner of the eyes just below the eyebrows. Acupressure here can help to relieve sinus headaches, allergy symptoms and it can help to reduce blurring of the vision.
Temple region
In acupuncture, there is a chain of acupoints that curl around the ear starting at the top, towards the front of the ear. These five points are integral to the release of tension from the head. The release from acupressure in this region is incredibly effective in the removal of migraines, tension and headaches.
Face Region
Welcome Fragrance (LI-20) – These two points are on either side of the nostril. They are located along the 20th point of the Large Intestine Channel – where it meets the Stomach. These points are concerned with symptoms such as the loss of smell or taste, nasal congestion, discharge, and sinus issues such as sinusitis, which can also cause and contribute to headaches, migraines and facial pain.
Neck Region
Wind Pool (GB-20) – This marks the half way point at the back of the head between the ear and the spine. These two neck muscles come together on the 20th point of the Gall Bladder Meridian. Applying acupressure here can help with a host of neurological disorders that affect the face, throat, and sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, tongue). It’s especially helpful for paralysis, twitching, tremors, numbness and vertigo along with migraines and headaches, eye issues, neck pain and stiffness.
Moving Between (LV-2) –This second point on the Liver Meridian is found between the first and second toes. It works to relieve headaches, dizziness, vertigo, swelling and pain of the eye and epilepsy-related symptoms.
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