Acupuncture News and Research

Curious to know the latest oriental medicine trends and findings? Keep up to date with my blog postings focused on relevant acupuncture news and research.

How long does acupuncture pain relief last?

The duration of pain relief from acupuncture can vary widely from person to person. For some, the effects can last several weeks, while for others, multiple sessions may be needed for long-term relief. According to a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, the benefits of acupuncture can be Read more ...

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How long does acupuncture take to work for chronic pain?

The time it takes for acupuncture to relieve chronic pain can vary. Some people experience immediate relief, while others may need multiple sessions for noticeable improvement. Healthline suggests that you may start to feel the benefits after your first or second session. For chronic conditions, our holistic health approach can Read more ...

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What are the disadvantages of acupuncture?

While acupuncture is generally safe and well-tolerated, some people may experience minor side effects like bruising, soreness, or temporary worsening of symptoms. According to WebMD, these side effects are usually mild and short-lived. For a more comfortable experience, you might consider our ultimate massage experience as a complementary treatment.

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Who is acupuncture not recommended for?

Acupuncture is generally safe but may not be suitable for everyone. People with bleeding disorders, those with pacemakers, and pregnant women should consult their healthcare provider before undergoing acupuncture. The American Academy of Medical Acupuncture provides more details on who should avoid acupuncture. For more personalized advice, consult our acupuncture Read more ...

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Is acupuncture more effective than medication?

While acupuncture is not a replacement for medication in all cases, it can be more effective for certain types of pain and has fewer side effects. A meta-analysis published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that acupuncture was effective for treating chronic pain and was a reasonable referral option. For a Read more ...

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How many acupuncture treatments are needed for chronic pain?

The number of acupuncture treatments needed for chronic pain can vary depending on the individual's condition and response to treatment. Generally, a series of treatments is more effective than a single session. According to Harvard Health, a typical course might involve 6 to 12 sessions over a few months. For Read more ...

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Is acupuncture effective as a pain reliever?

Absolutely, acupuncture is increasingly recognized as an effective pain reliever. It's especially effective for chronic pain conditions like osteoarthritis, migraines, and lower back pain. The Mayo Clinic cites several studies that show acupuncture can be an effective treatment for chronic pain. For those in Edmonton, our acupuncture services offer a Read more ...

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Can acupuncture block pain from?

Yes, acupuncture can be effective in blocking various types of pain, including chronic pain, headaches, and even menstrual cramps. The technique involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate the nervous system. This stimulation releases endorphins, the body's natural painkillers, and can block the pain pathways, Read more ...

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