Ultimate Guide: Acupuncture & Shen-Zao for Insomnia

By Published On: February 27, 2015Categories: Acupuncture, Blog, Sleep

Introduction: Acupuncture & Shen-Zao for Insomnia

Welcome to the ultimate guide that explores the transformative effects of combining acupuncture and Shen-Zao on sleep quality, specifically for insomnia patients with heart and spleen deficiency. For those interested in a deeper understanding of acupuncture, you may find our acupuncture services to be a valuable resource.

The Heart and Spleen Connection in Insomnia

The Role of Heart and Spleen in TCM

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the heart and spleen are interconnected through the flow of Qi, the vital life force. Imbalance in these organs can lead to sleep disorders, including insomnia. For a holistic approach to balancing Qi, consider exploring our Functional Medicine services.

Complexity of Insomnia

Insomnia is a complex condition with multiple underlying causes, including stress, lifestyle factors, and medical conditions. When the heart and spleen are deficient, the imbalance is often both physical and emotional. Our Naturopathic Medicine services can offer additional insights into managing these complexities.

Acupuncture: The Ancient Art

Acupuncture Points for Insomnia

Acupuncture targets specific points like HT7 (Shenmen) and SP6 (Sanyinjiao) to balance the Qi in the heart and spleen, thereby improving sleep quality. For those interested in facial acupuncture, our Facial Acupuncture services also offer a unique approach to balancing Qi.

Biochemical Mechanism

Acupuncture stimulates the nervous system, leading to the release of neurochemical messenger molecules. This biochemical change influences the body’s homeostatic mechanisms, promoting physical and emotional well-being.

Duration and Frequency

The effectiveness of acupuncture can vary depending on the duration and frequency of treatment. Typically, a series of sessions over several weeks is recommended for lasting results. For those dealing with fertility issues, our Fertility Acupuncture program can offer specialized acupuncture treatments.

Shen-Zao: The Herbal Solution

Herbal Composition

Shen-Zao, a potent herbal formula, includes ingredients like Jujube Seed, Poria, and Licorice Root. These herbs are known for their sedative, adaptogenic, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Dosage and Preparation

The dosage and preparation of Shen-Zao can vary depending on individual needs. It is generally administered as a decoction, and the dosage is adjusted based on the severity of symptoms. For a comprehensive approach to wellness, consider incorporating our Nutrition services.

Long-Term Benefits

Regular use of Shen-Zao can offer long-term benefits, including improved sleep quality, enhanced digestion, and better emotional balance. For those interested in mind-body techniques, our Clinical Hypnotherapy services can be an excellent complement.

Synergistic Benefits of Acupuncture & Shen-Zao

Multi-Faceted Approach

The combination of acupuncture and Shen-Zao provides a multi-faceted approach to treating insomnia due to heart and spleen deficiency. This synergy amplifies the benefits of each treatment, offering a more comprehensive solution. For a complete wellness experience, you may also be interested in our Massage Therapy services.

Role of Diet and Lifestyle

In addition to these treatments, dietary and lifestyle changes can further enhance their effectiveness. A balanced diet rich in nutrients and regular exercise can significantly improve sleep quality.

Clinical Evidence: Research Findings

Clinical Trials

Numerous clinical trials have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of combining acupuncture and Shen-Zao in treating insomnia. One such study, published in the Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science by Kou, J. Y., et al. (2014), specifically focused on insomnia due to heart and spleen deficiency. The study found that a six-week treatment regimen led to significant improvements in sleep quality for the participants. The research concluded that the combined treatment of acupuncture and Shen-Zao An Shen Tang was effective in enhancing sleep quality and could be considered a viable treatment option for insomnia patients Kou, J. Y., et al. (2014).

Another clinical trial published in the journal Sleep Medicine found that acupuncture could improve sleep quality and increase the duration of sleep. The study involved 72 participants and lasted for six weeks, reinforcing the idea that acupuncture could be a long-term solution for sleep issues Sleep Medicine Study.


Meta-analyses, which aggregate the results of multiple studies, provide further evidence supporting the efficacy of combining acupuncture and Shen-Zao for treating insomnia. A meta-analysis published in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine analyzed 46 randomized controlled trials involving 3811 participants. The study found that acupuncture was more effective than medications in increasing the overall sleep duration and could be considered an alternative treatment for insomnia Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Study.

Another meta-analysis published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine reviewed 30 trials and found that acupuncture significantly improved sleep quality compared to no treatment and even outperformed some sleep medications Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine Study.

For those interested in a comprehensive and personalized approach to treating insomnia, our Functional Medicine services offer a range of treatments that can be integrated into your healthcare plan.

Safety Measures: Precautions

Consultation and Diagnosis

Before undergoing any treatment, it’s crucial to consult a qualified TCM practitioner for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan.

Potential Side Effects

While generally considered safe, both acupuncture and Shen-Zao have potential side effects that should be discussed with a healthcare provider.

Conclusion: The Future of Sleep Medicine

The integration of acupuncture and Shen-Zao in treating insomnia due to heart and spleen deficiency is a testament to the power of holistic medicine. This combined approach not only improves sleep quality but also addresses the root cause of the condition, offering a sustainable and effective treatment option.

Can insomnia be cured by acupuncture?2023-10-12T00:24:08+00:00

Acupuncture has been widely studied for its potential to treat insomnia and improve sleep quality. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) posits that insomnia can be due to an imbalance in the body’s Qi, particularly in the heart and spleen. Acupuncture aims to restore this balance by targeting specific points on the body. While it may not “cure” insomnia in the Western sense of completely eliminating the condition, many studies, including one published in the Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science, have shown that acupuncture can significantly improve sleep quality and reduce insomnia symptoms Kou, J. Y., et al. (2014).

For those interested in acupuncture for insomnia, our acupuncture services offer a comprehensive treatment approach. The Mayo Clinic also provides valuable information on the general benefits and risks of acupuncture.

How long does it take for acupuncture to help insomnia?2023-10-12T00:25:32+00:00

The duration for acupuncture to show significant results can vary from person to person, depending on the severity of the insomnia and the individual’s overall health. However, many people report feeling some improvement after just a few sessions. A study published in the Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science suggested that a six-week treatment period of combined acupuncture and Shen Zao An Shen Tang led to significant improvements in sleep quality Kou, J. Y., et al. (2014).

For a personalized treatment plan, consider consulting with a qualified practitioner through our Functional Medicine services. The American Sleep Association also provides more information on how acupuncture can be used in sleep treatments.

What is the best Chinese formula for insomnia?2023-10-12T00:25:49+00:00

One of the most effective Chinese herbal formulas for treating insomnia due to heart and spleen deficiency is Shen-Zao-An-Shen Tang. This formula includes ingredients like Jujube Seed, Poria, and Licorice Root, known for their sedative and adaptogenic properties. A study by Kou, J. Y., et al. (2014) found that combining this formula with acupuncture led to significant improvements in sleep quality Kou, J. Y., et al. (2014).

For those interested in a holistic approach to treating insomnia, our Naturopathic Medicine services offer a range of herbal and natural treatments. For more information on Chinese herbal medicine for insomnia, the National Institutes of Health provides a comprehensive review.

What do Chinese use for insomnia?2023-10-12T00:26:10+00:00

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, a variety of treatments are used to address insomnia, including acupuncture, herbal formulas like Shen-Zao-An-Shen Tang, and lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise. The aim is to balance the Qi and address the root cause of the insomnia, often related to heart and spleen deficiency. A study by Kou, J. Y., et al. (2014) found that a combination of acupuncture and Shen-Zao-An-Shen Tang was effective in improving sleep quality Kou, J. Y., et al. (2014).

For those interested in exploring these traditional methods, our Nutrition services can provide additional support in making lifestyle changes. The World Health Organization also offers insights into the use of Traditional Chinese Medicine for various conditions, including insomnia.

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