Acupuncture vs Pain Pills: 5 Reasons Why Acupuncture Outperforms

By Published On: September 25, 2023Categories: Acupuncture, Blog, Edmonton, Pain Management

5 Reasons Why Edmonton Acupuncture Beats Pain Pills


Hello, dear reader! Are you grappling with the dilemma of Edmonton Acupuncture vs Pain Pills for your pain management needs? You’re certainly not alone. In this comprehensive article, we’ll delve into why acupuncture, particularly in Edmonton, is a transformative alternative to traditional pain pills. We’ll explore the scientific evidence, share real-life testimonials, and even dispel some common myths. So, if you’re ready to discover a new path to pain relief, let’s dive in!

The Opioid Crisis

The surge in opioid prescriptions has raised concerns about dependency and side effects. So, what’s the alternative?  Let’s dive deeper into the merits of acupuncture vs pain pills.

The Rise of Acupuncture vs Pain Pills in Edmonton

Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese practice, is gaining traction in Edmonton as a safer, more holistic approach to pain relief. It’s not just a trend; it’s a healthcare revolution backed by functional medicine.

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture involves inserting thin needles into specific points on your body to balance the flow of energy or “Qi” (pronounced “chee”). This balance leads to various health benefits, from pain relief to emotional well-being.

Reason 1 – No Side Effects

Why It Matters

One of the most compelling advantages of acupuncture is the absence of side effects. No drowsiness, nausea, or other unpleasant surprises. Scientific research supports this, showing that acupuncture can effectively treat various types of pain without the side effects commonly linked to medications. This is particularly important for those who may be sensitive to medications or are looking for a treatment option that doesn’t interfere with their daily activities. The absence of side effects also means that acupuncture can be safely combined with other forms of treatment, offering a multi-faceted approach to pain management.


“I’ve had chronic headaches for about 3 years. I had many treatments at Red Leaf Wellness and had a great experience at every single one of them.”

Reason 2 – Targets the Root Cause

Why It Matters

Acupuncture goes beyond masking symptoms; it aims to resolve the root cause of your pain. This is a long-term solution supported by naturopathic medicine. A study in the Journal of Pain demonstrated that acupuncture could reduce chronic pain by up to 50%. Unlike pain pills, which offer temporary relief, acupuncture seeks to understand the underlying imbalances in your body that contribute to your pain. By addressing these imbalances, acupuncture offers a more sustainable and effective solution for long-term relief.


“I came to see Tammy for several concerns. She actually listened and set up a treatment plan for me that was personalized and addressed my issues.”

Reason 3 – Holistic Approach

Why It Matters

Acupuncture offers more than just physical relief; it’s a holistic experience that can also improve your emotional well-being. This aligns well with our philosophy of holistic health, which also addresses stress, anxiety, and even depression. The holistic nature of acupuncture means that it considers the interconnectedness of your physical and emotional states. By treating the whole person rather than just isolated symptoms, acupuncture provides a more comprehensive approach to health and well-being.


“Tammy has been such an empowering and positive influencer on my day-to-day wellbeing. With her support, care, and guidance, I have been able to move mountains.”

Reason 4 – Cost-Effectiveness

Why It Matters

While a bottle of pills might seem cheaper initially, the long-term costs can be staggering. Acupuncture can be a more cost-effective solution, especially when covered by insurance. Consider the frequent doctor visits, ongoing prescriptions, and the potential cost of addiction treatment that come with relying on pain pills. Acupuncture, on the other hand, often requires fewer sessions to achieve lasting relief, making it a more economical choice in the long run.


“I went to Tammy because of severe pain in my lower back from a pinched nerve. In just two visits my pain was reduced 80%! Tammy was kind and reassuring during our sessions.”

Reason 5 – Accessibility and Convenience

Why It Matters

Acupuncture clinics in Edmonton are more accessible than ever. With online booking options and flexible hours, scheduling an appointment has never been easier. The growing number of certified practitioners in the city also ensures that you can find a qualified acupuncturist without long waiting times. This level of convenience makes it easier for you to maintain a consistent treatment schedule, which is often crucial for achieving long-term relief from pain.


“Finding an acupuncture clinic in Edmonton is easier than you think. Plus, booking a session is a breeze.”


There you have it—five compelling reasons why acupuncture in Edmonton outperforms pain pills. Isn’t it time you took control of your health?

Can acupuncture block pain from?2023-09-25T00:31:33+00:00

Yes, acupuncture can be effective in blocking various types of pain, including chronic pain, headaches, and even menstrual cramps. The technique involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate the nervous system. This stimulation releases endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, and can block the pain pathways, providing relief. A study published in the journal Anesthesia & Analgesia supports the efficacy of acupuncture in pain management. For more localized pain issues, you might also consider facial acupuncture as a specialized treatment.

Is acupuncture effective as a pain reliever?2023-09-25T00:32:21+00:00

Absolutely, acupuncture is increasingly recognized as an effective pain reliever. It’s especially effective for chronic pain conditions like osteoarthritis, migraines, and lower back pain. The Mayo Clinic cites several studies that show acupuncture can be an effective treatment for chronic pain. For those in Edmonton, our acupuncture services offer a holistic approach to pain relief.

How many acupuncture treatments are needed for chronic pain?2023-09-25T00:32:42+00:00

The number of acupuncture treatments needed for chronic pain can vary depending on the individual’s condition and response to treatment. Generally, a series of treatments is more effective than a single session. According to Harvard Health, a typical course might involve 6 to 12 sessions over a few months. For personalized treatment plans, consider our functional medicine approach.

Is acupuncture more effective than medication?2023-09-25T00:33:03+00:00

While acupuncture is not a replacement for medication in all cases, it can be more effective for certain types of pain and has fewer side effects. A meta-analysis published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that acupuncture was effective for treating chronic pain and was a reasonable referral option. For a comprehensive treatment plan, you might also look into naturopathic medicine.

Who is acupuncture not recommended for?2023-09-25T00:33:24+00:00

Acupuncture is generally safe but may not be suitable for everyone. People with bleeding disorders, those with pacemakers, and pregnant women should consult their healthcare provider before undergoing acupuncture. The American Academy of Medical Acupuncture provides more details on who should avoid acupuncture. For more personalized advice, consult our acupuncture services.

What are the disadvantages of acupuncture?2023-09-25T00:33:47+00:00

While acupuncture is generally safe and well-tolerated, some people may experience minor side effects like bruising, soreness, or temporary worsening of symptoms. According to WebMD, these side effects are usually mild and short-lived. For a more comfortable experience, you might consider our ultimate massage experience as a complementary treatment.

How long does acupuncture take to work for chronic pain?2023-09-25T00:34:27+00:00

The time it takes for acupuncture to relieve chronic pain can vary. Some people experience immediate relief, while others may need multiple sessions for noticeable improvement. Healthline suggests that you may start to feel the benefits after your first or second session. For chronic conditions, our holistic health approach can offer a comprehensive treatment plan.

How long does acupuncture pain relief last?2023-09-25T00:34:50+00:00

The duration of pain relief from acupuncture can vary widely from person to person. For some, the effects can last several weeks, while for others, multiple sessions may be needed for long-term relief. According to a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, the benefits of acupuncture can be long-lasting. For ongoing care, consider incorporating nutrition into your wellness routine.

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