Dr. Michell Winton, Registered Acupuncturist

Dr.Ac Winton 🇬🇧

Position: Acupuncture, Massage
Categories: Acupuncture, Back Pain, Cardiovascular Health, Chronic Pain, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Cupping, Cupping, Depression, Digestive Health, Electrostimulation, Gender Reassignment, Gua Sha, Headaches & Migraines, Inclusive Health, Insomnia and Sleep Health, Massage Therapy, Moxibustion, Musculoskeletal, Pain Management, Pregnancy, Prenatal Massage, PTSD, Relaxation Massage, Respiratory Health, Sciatica, Seniors Health, Soft Tissue Injury, Sports Injury, Stress, Temporal Mandibular Joint (TMJ), Therapeutic Massage, Whiplash
Location: Alberta

Massage Therapy Pressure Scale 5-8Helping people comes naturally to Michelle! As a highly skilled Acupuncturist, Massage Therapist, and Advanced Care Paramedic she is widely recognized for developing unique care plans which draw on her knowledge and therapeutic touch gained across each of these specialized disciplines. Having over twenty years of combined expertise in caring for her patients, Michelle has had a front row seat to observe how stress and emotion affect the mind and body. Complementing her acupuncture services at Red Leaf Wellness, Michelle offers a variety of therapeutic and relaxation massage therapies, including pregnancy massage, myofascial release and myofascial cupping.

Michelle began her health career as a massage therapist, graduating the 2200hr Massage Program at Macewan University in 2001. Being active in competitive sport in her youth, Michelle understood the benefits of massage on sport performance, recovery and injury prevention. She subsequently branched into emergency care and became an Advanced Care Paramedic where she was able to offer a calming presence in stressful, emergent situations. Michelle has always believed that soft skills, an extra moment spent with family, or a hand to hold on the way to the hospital, can be as healing as the specific medical interventions themselves. Working as a Paramedic Michelle saw, and began to question, how it is that people differ in disease and the aging process and why the same drug benefited one person, but not the other. Her lifelong learning journey had her begin to look for these answers in the time-tested practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Acupuncture, thus kicking off another quest for knowledge at MacEwan University’s Acupuncture Program.


  • Diploma – Acupuncture, Macewan University
  • Diploma – Emergency Medical Technician (Paramedic), Augustana University
    • Honors standings
  • Certificate – Massage Therapy Grant MacEwan College


  • RAc, College of Acupuncturists of Alberta (CAA)
  • RMT, National Health Practitioners of Canada (NHPC)
  • ACP, Alberta College of Paramedics

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