Avoid hypnotherapy in these cases:
- Psychotic Disorders: Individuals with psychotic disorders should steer clear to prevent potential worsening.
- Substance Abuse Issues: Avoid if under the influence as it may not be effective and could complicate the process.
- Severe Mental Health Conditions: Exercise caution or avoid if dealing with severe mental health conditions or borderline personality disorders.
- Epilepsy or Seizure Disorders: Skip hypnotherapy to prevent potential triggers for seizures if you have epilepsy or a history of seizures.
- Intellectual Limitations: Consider other options if you have severe intellectual limitations or developmental disorders.
- Resistance or Unwillingness: It’s not effective if a person is strongly resistant or unwilling to be hypnotized.
- History of Trauma: Exercise caution and ensure the therapist is experienced in trauma-informed practices if you have a history of severe trauma or post-traumatic stress disorder.
Always consult with a healthcare professional to assess if hypnotherapy is suitable for your circumstances.
For more insights on when to avoid hypnotherapy, refer to trusted sources like the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis and Mayo Clinic.