1. Endocrine Society
    They provide clinical guidelines and updated research on various endocrine topics, including adrenal function. URL: https://www.endocrine.org/
  2. Mayo Clinic
    A trusted name in the medical field, they offer detailed insights into adrenal gland tests and their importance. URL: https://www.mayoclinic.org/
  3. PubMed
    This is a repository of biomedical literature, including countless research studies on adrenal function and testing methodologies. For instance: “Evaluation of Adrenal Function in Patients with Primary Adrenal Insufficiency.” URL: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
  4. National Adrenal Diseases Foundation (NADF)
    This foundation offers patient-focused insights and up-to-date research on adrenal diseases. URL: https://www.nadf.us/
  5. Lab Tests Online
    A resource that explains laboratory tests, including those for adrenal function, in a way that’s accessible to the public. URL: https://www.labtestsonline.org/
  6. Research Study
    “The Role of Adrenal Scintigraphy in the Evaluation of Adrenal Function” published in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine. This study delves deep into the methods and importance of adrenal function tests. URL: https://jnm.snmjournals.org/