• Number of Naturopathic Doctors (Weight 2): This factor is relevant to the public as it indicates the operational capacity of the clinic and its capability to manage patient referrals efficiently. It provides valuable insights into the clinic’s size, appointment availability, and potential for collaborative patient care, ensuring that patients can receive timely and well-coordinated services.
  • Direct Billing Availability (Weight 1): The availability of direct billing is of interest to the public because it directly affects the convenience and operational efficiency of a naturopathic medicine clinic. It reflects the clinic’s maturity in business practices and its ability to handle financial transactions seamlessly, making the patient experience smoother and more accessible.
  • Digital Integration (Weight 2): Public interest is tied to the extent of digital integration in naturopathic medicine clinics, as it impacts accessibility and technological sophistication. This evaluation assesses how well a clinic utilizes digital tools to enhance the patient experience, streamline administrative processes, and improve communication, ensuring that patients can engage with the clinic in modern and efficient ways.
  • Management Team Structure (Weight 3): The composition of the management team is crucial for the public to know as it influences the clinic’s organizational framework and operational efficiency. An efficiently structured management team not only supports seamless clinic operations but also allows healthcare providers to focus on delivering optimal patient care. This ensures that patients receive the highest quality of care without disruptions caused by administrative complexities.