Chinese herbal formulas are specially formulated combinations of traditional herbs that are intended to complement acupuncture or functional medicine treatments for most conditions. Chinese herbs can be plants, minerals, sea products, and animal products. Herbs come in pill form, powders that you mix with warm water and drink as tea, and raw herbs that you simmer in water and then drink as tea. Your practitioner will thoroughly explain any herbal formula you may receive, as well as any anticipated interactions with your medications. You should never discontinue doctor-prescribed medications without consulting your doctor.
Please advise your practitioner if you are vegan or vegetarian, and if you have any food/medication/environmental allergies or sensitivities.
You may be advised to utilize supplements, which may be purchased at our clinic or elsewhere. Please be aware that most insurance companies will NOT reimburse for these supplements. Items may be returned by prior authorization only. All products must have their safety seals intact and no markings on the containers. To be eligible for a return, your item must have been purchased within the previous 30 days, be unused, and in the same condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging. Several types of products are exempt from being returned including special orders and perishables such as herbs, foods, and refrigerated items.